The works submitted must be correlated with the positive development of young people, within the following thematic guidelines of the event:

  • Pedagogical models that enable the inclusion of children, youth and adults through physical education and sport;

  • Promotion of mental health and social justice through sport;

  • Political-sporting actions for the development of youth;

  • Coach development; other similar themes.

The works must be in the abstract format (see formatting rules) and can be written in portuguese, spanish or english.

The accepted works will be presented through a communication lasting 10 minutes. The presentation can take place online or in person, depending on the participant's choice.

Up to two scientific works will be accepted by each responsible author (1st author), with no limitations for co-authorship.

The works will be evaluated by at least two members of the scientific committee of the event.

The approved works will be published in the event's minutes, and the copyright transferred to the event's organization.

The papers presented must take into account the ethical aspects linked to scientific experiments with human beings. It should be indicated in the text that the consents of the subjects studied (sample) were obtained and ethical (human) procedures were respected and are in accordance with current legislation.

Papers must be submitted exclusively by e-mail (DPJ2022PORTO@GMAIL.COM), in a word for windows file, version 7.0 or higher.

Any questions should be sent to the email above.

Last date for submission: JUNE 27, 2022.

It is recommended that the author(s) retain an original copy of the works.


Abstracts submitted to the event must have a maximum of 300 words, A4 (210 x 297 mm), in portrait mode, typed in Word for Windows version 7.0 or higher.

Arial 12 font should be used, with 1.5 line spacing. Top and bottom, left and right margins of 2 cm.

The text must have “justified” alignment, except for the items: Title, Authors and Keywords.

The complete work must contain the following items:

  • Search: Title, Authors, Introduction, Methods, Results, Conclusion and Keywords;
  • Experience report: Title, Authors, Introduction, Development, Conclusion and Keywords.


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