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09:30 Introductions

Paulo Pereira
President of Escola Superior de Educação do Porto

Luís Rothes
President of Escola Superior de Educação do Porto Technical Scientific Council

Manuela Sanches-Ferreira
Director of InED - Centre for Research and Innovation in Education

10:00 Plenary 1

Ian Sinclair (England)
Foster Care in England: History, Outcomes and future challenges

Carme Montserrat (Spain)
Well-being of children in foster care

Chair: João M. Carvalho (inED)
11:00 Coffee break
11:30 Plenary 2

Robbie Gilligan (Ireland)
De-institutionalisation in child welfare in Ireland -
what influenced the journey from institutions to family placement?

Cinzia Canali (Italy)
Foster care in Italy: an open challenge

Vânia Pinto (England/Portugal)
Different countries, different perspectives? A cross-country comparison of the factors that are associated with successful foster placements

Chair: Manuel Araújo (Mundos de Vida)
13:00 Lunch
15:00 Plenary 3

Isabel Soares (Universidade do Minho)
Institutionalisation effects on the development of children up to 6 years:
Findings and implications

Maria Barbosa Ducharne (Universidade do Porto)
Adoption in child protection: to whom and under what circumstances?
Promotion of successful adoption

Chair: Carlos Peixoto (Instituto da Segurança Social, I.P.)
16:00 Coffee break
16:30 Presentation of the book:

Contact in Foster Care. What children, families and professionals think.

17:00 Porto D'Honra